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This year I've set myself the goal of writing one blog post per week:

I find the idea of having 52 posts written at the end of the year quite motivating. It probably doesn't feel like a great achievement to many, but I've tried to do this in the past and failed fast.

Why blog

The motivation for setting this goal includes the usual suspects:

How to succeed

I've done no planning or research to prevent me from making the same mistakes as in the past. In fact, I can't even put my finger on what those mistakes might have been.

The only strategy I'm coming up with is to schedule my weekly post writing on Monday. Strive to get it done before I do anything else. It will put the pressure on not delaying publishing (if I don't allow myself to move on to other things until I do) and I'll have time to recover if something crops up and I can't make the blog happen first thing.

Join us!

I'm doing this challenge together with my friend Jeppe. We're calling it #52WeeksOfPosts. Join us!